• June 29, 2023

AI Document Generator API: Managing Documents Through API with JotPro

AI Document Generator API: Managing Documents Through API

AI Document Generator API: Managing Documents Through API with JotPro

AI Document Generator API: Managing Documents Through API with JotPro 1024 517 JotPro

In the digital age, the ability to generate and manage documents efficiently is crucial for businesses across various industries. This is where JotPro’s AI Document Generator API comes into play. It provides a powerful tool for automating document generation and management, saving businesses time and resources.

Understanding JotPro’s Document Generator API

JotPro’s Document Generator API offers a comprehensive approach to creating and managing documents via API calls.

It provides a range of customizable parameters, including search_by, template_id, sort_by, sort, and per_page, allowing users to tailor their document management process to their specific needs.

The API endpoint for managing your documents is:

GET https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents

Here is a request example:

curl --location --request GET 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

For more detailed information, you can refer to the JotPro Developers Documents Page.

How to List, Show, Store, Update, and Delete Documents

Listing Documents

To list all the documents you’ve created, make a GET request to the endpoint

GET https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents{id}

Replace {id} with the ID of the document you want to update.

Request example:

curl --location --request GET 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents{id}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

This will return a list of all your documents, which you can then filter or sort using the available parameters. You can customize the number of results per page using the ‘per_page’ parameter.

Showing Documents

To list all the documents you’ve created, make a GET request to the endpoint

GET https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents{id}

Replace {id} with the ID of the document you want to update.

Request example:

curl --location --request GET 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents/{id}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

Creating Documents

To create a new document, make a POST request to the endpoint

POST https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents

Request example:

curl --location --request POST 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--data-urlencode 'name={name}' \
--data-urlencode 'prompt={prompt}'

You’ll need to provide the necessary information for the document, such as the title and content. Once the document is created, it will be stored in your account and can be accessed at any time. You can specify the template_id to determine the type of document to create.

Updating Documents

To update an existing document, make a PUT request to the endpoint

PUT https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents/{document_id}

Replace {document_id} with the ID of the document you want to update.

Request example:

curl --location --request PUT 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents/{id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

Deleting Documents

To delete a document, make a DELETE request to the endpoint

DELETE https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents/{document_id}

Replace {document_id} with the ID of the document you want to delete.

Request example:

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://jotpro.me/api/v1/documents/{id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

Scenarios and Use Cases

Legal Firms

Legal firms often need to generate a large number of documents, such as contracts, agreements, and legal briefs.

With JotPro’s Document Generator API, they can automate this process, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. They can also use the API to automate the process of creating and managing legal documents, making it easier to find and retrieve specific documents when needed.

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, such as universities and colleges, can use JotPro’s Document Generator API to automate the creation of various documents, such as course outlines, study guides, and academic reports. This can significantly reduce the workload of educators and administrators, allowing them to focus more on their core responsibilities.

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers often need to generate patient reports, medical histories, and other types of documents.

With JotPro’s Document Generator API, they can automate this process, ensuring that all documents are generated accurately and consistently. This can help improve patient care by ensuring that all patient information is accurately recorded and easily accessible.


In conclusion, JotPro’s Document Generator API offers a powerful solution for businesses that need to generate and manage documents efficiently.

By integrating JotPro’s API into their systems, businesses can automate their document generation process, save time, and ensure consistency in their documents.

Whether you’re a legal firm, an educational institution, or a healthcare provider, JotPro’s Document Generator API can help you manage your documents more efficiently.

For more information on how to use JotPro’s Document Generator API, visit the JotPro Developers Documents Page.

JotPro’s API for Document Management

Interested in learning more about JotPro’s API for account management?

Visit JotPro’s API documentation for more details. If you have any questions or need further support, don’t hesitate to reach out to JotPro’s dedicated customer support team. They’re always ready to help you make the most of JotPro’s API.

JotPro for Business

Experience the power of AI writing with JotPro for Business! Our platform offers a range of features designed to streamline your content creation process and enhance your business operations. With JotPro, you can automate content creation, manage documents, images, chats, and messages, and even customize your account settings to suit your business needs. Plus, we offer flexible payment options including PayPal and credit card for your convenience. You can change your plan or cancel your subscription at any time, and you’ll continue to have access to the features you’ve paid for until the end of your billing cycle. Don’t let your business lag behind in the digital age. Upgrade to JotPro for Business today and experience the future of content creation! Visit our pricing page for more details.


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